Project Management Office(PMO)

   A project Management Office , abbreviated to PMO, is a group or department within a business, agency or enterprise that defines and maintains standards for project management within the  organization.

   The PMO strives to standardize and introduce economies of repetition in the execution of projects.
  The PMO is the source of documentation , guidance and metrics on the practice of project management and execution.

  The responsibilities of a PMO can range from providing project management support to being actually responsible for the direct management of one or more projects.

  There are several types of PMO structures In organizations, each varying in the degree of control and influence they have on projects within an organization, such as:
       -Supportive: Supportive PMOs provide a consultative role to projects by supplying templates, best practices, training, access to information and lessons learned from other projects. This type of PMO serves as a project repository. The degree of control provided by the PMO is low.

     -Controlling: Controlling PMOs provide support and require compliance through various means. Compliance may involve adopting project management frameworks or methodologies, using specific templates, forms and tools, or conformance to governance. The degree of control provided by the PMO is moderate.

    - Directive: Directive PMOs take control of the projects by directly managing the projects. The degree of control provided by the PMO is high.

 A primary function of a PMO is to support project managers in a variety of ways which may include, but are not limited to:
- Managing shared resources across all projects.
-Identifying and developing project management methodologies, best practices, and standards.
-Monitoring compliance with project management standards , policies and procedures by means of project audits.
-Coordinating communication across projects.